In 2003, on the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clarke Expedition, I embarked on a journey, (albeit backwards), that retraced the steps of Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke. Following the paths of their famous expedition, known as the Corps of Discovery, in search of the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean, via an all water route by way of the Missouri River.
This voyage was ordered and assembled in 1803, by the then sitting president Thomas Jefferson, to explore the new acquisition from Napoleon, known as the Louisiana Purchase, for 15 million dollars. This is an epic American story. Equivalent to landing on the moon! Read the Journals of Lewis and Clarke. Unbelievable! You just can’t make that stuff up!
The pathways of American history can be fun, educational and exhilarating! On your next vacation, become an American History Pathfinder!
Quoting Harry S. Truman – “The only thing that’s new, is the history you haven’t read yet.”
Get out there and start “racking up the memories,” time traveling through American History. Your kids will love it!!!
Share your American History experiences and photos with Integrity RV Solar on: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. It’s a great way to express our appreciation for being an American.
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